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MSSW-UW-04032015-AWS D3.6M:2010 - Dry & Wet Welding Services

In March 2015 Marex Subsea Welds was approached by Masirah International Technical & Marine Services LLC, a company based in Oman, in order to conduct a series of Coded Dry & Wet Welding repairs for the project "Damage to Dolphin Pile at Valle Jetty, Port of Sohar".

The owner of the project was Sohar Industrial Port Company and the consultancy had been attributed to Royal Haskoning DHV. The work load was divided into two categories, Preparatory Works and on-site Works. The preparatory works included among others the issuing of the main Welding Method Statement and the Risk Assessment.

Marex Subsea Welds issued four (4) preliminary welding procedure specifications and four (4) procedure qualification records which were withnessed by two seperate and idependent third parties, ABS Register and GATS Ltd. Demonstration took place at Marex Subsea Welds indoor Water Tank and was performed by a certified Diver/Coded Welder class A, in accordance to AWS D3.6M:2010 class A of Welds for the wet and EN ISO 9606-1:2013 type B of Welds for the Dry. Laboratory tests were carried out after the succesful demonstration's completion to the specimens produced by an accredited/certified laboratory, GATS Ltd. Following that, four (4) welding specification procedures were issued accordingly as well as an activity-specific Risk Assessment.

On situ works began on 25th April. Marex's team was comprised of four (4) individuals. The work required more than 700 meters of Wet Welding in PG(3F)-Butt Weld, PB(2F)-Fillet Weld and PD(4F)-Fillet Weld positions and more than 130 meters of Dry Welding in PB(2F)-Fillet Weld & PF(3G)-Butt Weld.

NDT Inspections were conducted during and after the completion of the welding works which between others included Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) by an approved third party inspector.



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